My first attempt to learn stratus (RTMFP)

Please find below A peer2peer video chat application using a new protocol introduced in flash player 10 Real-Time Media Flow Protocol (RTMFP). The most important features of RTMFP include low latency, end-to-end peering capability, security and scalability. These properties make RTMFP especially well suited for developing real-time collaboration applications by not only providing superior user experience but also reducing cost for operators.
In order to use RTMFP, Flash Player endpoints must connect to an RTMFP-capable server, such as the Adobe Stratus service. Stratus is a beta, hosted rendezvous service that aids establishing communications between Flash Player endpoints. Unlike Flash Media Server, Stratus does not support media relay, shared objects, scripting, etc. So by using Stratus, you can only develop applications where Flash Player endpoints are directly communicating with each other.

Some important tips:

The older RTMP operates over TCP port 1935 and falls back to tunneling over 443 and/or 80.

The newer RTMFP uses UDP and requires the ability to make outbound connections to 1935 and also higher port numbers in order to establish a server connection.

Running over port 443 and 80 UDP wouldn’t help, the firewall is likely configured to open up TCP 443 (HTTPS) and TCP 80 (HTTP) while still blocking UDP (Outbound UDP to be enabled).

The Flash Player can also be configured manually to use a TURN proxy, if you’re able to have the customer’s IT department install one to get past the firewall. In Flash Player 10.0, draft-ietf-behave-turn-08 is supported.

4 thoughts on “My first attempt to learn stratus (RTMFP)

  1. But can you tell any commercially available turn server/proxies ? i am trying to find this our from a quite a time now? i have found service but couldn’t work my way through. Any help on this is highly appreciated. Thank you .

    • also i just discovered it is still on beta

      How much does Stratus cost? Stratus is a free beta service. You will need to register with your Adobe ID to get a unique Developer Key.

      When will a market-ready version of Stratus be released? Stratus is being deployed as a beta service to assess the functionality as well as market demand. Based on what we learn through the beta, we will determine our product roadmap moving forward with the service.

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